Adventures in Paint Color

When we bought our house we were all excited about the paint colors. All neutrals! No weird pink bathrooms or wallpaper or anything to contend with.

Then, we moved in.

It seems the last owners didn’t have the greatest sense of color. They did things like painted what was a blueish house with white trim into a brown house with black trim.

And those “neural” walls?

All. Different. Colors. You can’t see it in this picture, but 10 feet to the left there was a third shade of brown.

There were at least 4 different shades of brown going on upstairs. With different undertones.

I do not understand.

We’ve been here for almost 3 years, and slowly but surely we’ve been getting rid of those ugly walls. First,  I painted the guest room. Then a leak forced me to repaint the downstairs bathroom.

I got brave and did the downstairs living rooms (our house for some mysterious reason is a 3 bed, 2 bath, 3 living room house. Again, I do not understand.)

And the upstairs bathroom got a paint job this winter. (While doing it I discovered that the ceiling is not white in there. If someone can explain that one to me….)

And finally, I bit the bullet and our upstairs went from a million shades of tan to one shade of light yellow

Words cannot describe how happy it makes me.

Just so you can really see, this is what it went from

Here’s hoping someday when we move the next owners aren’t questioning my judgement.

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