Inexpensive Art, Take 1

When you start getting a baby’s room ready you realize you want to put up ALL THE THINGS. And buy ALL THE THINGS. And that can add up. Quickly. But there’s some awesome and affordable things you can do too. Which is cute, and means you don’t have the same Target print as 508403 other moms.

One thing I found while getting ready for baby was some awesome embroidery, both finished and unfinished, that my Grandma had made.

This adorable kitty vignette?


It was my pillow case as a child. Which is pretty, but 1. babies don’t need pillows and 2. it had my name embroidered on it. I found a cheap frame, and then glued some scrapbook paper onto the matting.


It’s fun, cute, and adds a little of my Grandma (who passed away when I was 18) into the baby’s room.

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