
(alternate title-the easiest way to impress people at parties)

Making quarterly baked goods has earned me a reputation at my husband’s work. Which is nice, because when coworkers meet me they tell me how awesome I am, and I can never hear that enough.

But, I’m really good at cookies. Potlucks on the other hand? I bring a veggie tray. I always feel like I’m super lame. (But seriously, everyone will eat the veggie tray, it’s an important thing!) I don’t have a good dish that I can throw together and have it be my thing.

Until now.

See, usually I do dip (guac or hummus) + veggies + corn chips. Because selfishly that’s what I like to snack on. But somehow this time it dawned on me. Instead of chips, crackers could be good. And I could MAKE crackers.

(I suppose I could make chips too, but I shouldn’t be trusted with a deep fryer).

Turns out making  crackers is stupid simple. You put things into a food processor. You roll out dough. You bake. Easy peasy!

So, I made 3 types. Because I enjoy overkill. The clear winner was slightly adapted from DIY Delicious (which is a really fun cookbook!)

cornmeal parmesan and sesame seed crackers

1 c AP flour
1 c cornmeal
1/2 c finely grated parmesan cheese (I packed this in because cheese is good for you)
3 T butter
3/4 t salt
3/4 c cold water
poppy seeds (or sesame seeds) and salt for topping-the book says fleur de sel but I used sea salt cause it’s what i had
put flour, cornmeal, cheese, butter, salt and water into food processor. Process until it forms a dough. Cover and let sit at room temp for at least 30 min.
Heat oven to 400. Flour work surface, divide dough in half, and roll out. (Thinner is better!) sprinkle seeds and salt over dough, and roll over with the rolling pin to make them stick to the dough. cut into desired shapes (I just did squares, you can do long pretty rectangles, triangles, get all crazy and use a cookie cutter to make circles…). poke some holes w/ a fork (if you forget you’ll end up with bumpier crackers)
Bake 12-15 min (book says 15-18 but mine were browning well before that) until edges brown. Eat!
How were these crackers? I got asked where I bought them by someone, because they wanted a box. They’re that good. Make some for your next get together and be prepared for some awesome bragging rights!

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